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  • Alunos 9º A


Atualizado: 1 de jul. de 2021

Report in English - 3rd Day

Today was a lot of fun. We started the morning at school and, working in groups, we made several posters about healthy and unhealthy food.

In the afternoon we had a delicious and amazing picnic in the city park. After everyone was satisfied and the baskets were empty, we played a series of really cool games like football, rugby and ...

At the end of the activities the Polish students returned to their hotel and the students from Flavio Gonçalves went to watch the long-awaited game of the Portuguese football team and had the joy of seeing their country triumph.

Hopefully every day this week will be as fun as this one.

Gustavo Santos 9º A

On Tuesday we are doing poster about healthly and unhealthly food. After that we will do food piramid with tradytional polish and portugal food. Next we will go for a picnic to the park. I think that it will be amazing. At 4 p.m. Polish students will go to the beach. However, portugal students will go to their homes.

Ola Woroniecka

Report in Polish - 3rd Day


Dnia dzisiejszego robimy plakat o zdrowym i nie zdrowym odżywianiu. Po zrobieniu plakatu będziemy robić piramidę żywnościowa wraz z tradycyjnymi polskimi i portugalskimi posiłkami. Następnie idziemy wraz z Portugalczykami na piknik do parku. O godzinie 15:30 rozstajemy się z nimi i idziemy na plażę gdzie będziemy grać w siatkówkę, koszykówkę oraz się opalać

Wiktoria Kiełpińska

Report in Portuguese - 3rd Day


No início da manhã, na nossa escola, os alunos polacos e portugueses realizaram vários posters com comida saudável e não saudável. Cada grupo fez um poster, contendo diversas comidas tradicionais da Polónia e de Portugal. De seguida, dois elementos de cada grupo apresentaram os posters.

Durante a tarde, fomos para o Parque da Cidade, onde nos reunimos para ter um saudável e aconchegante almoço. Depois de comermos, fizemos diversas atividades desportivas, como jogar futebol, vólei, basquetebol… Tivemos também a oportunidade de conhecer e conviver com novas pessoas.

Espero que os próximos dias sejam tão bons quanto este!

Lara Sargo 9º A

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