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Erasmus+ - Creative Drama & Games in ELT - Mersin Day 0

Day 0 - 18.09.2022

Today, 18th September 2022, was a day full of travelling.

We woke up at 3am and went to the airport. We waited until 6:30am... It was Luzia's first time travelling by plane!

The first flight took 2:30 hours and it went from Portugal to London.

Before the second part of the journey, we stopped to eat and visit the airport shops.

Then from London we went to Turkey and when we got to the hotel we were so exhausted that we fell asleep!


Dia 0 - 18.09.2022

Seis alunos da escola Dr. Flávio Gonçalves, das turmas 8ºA e 8ºC, deslocaram-se à cidade de Mersin, na Turquia, inseridos no projeto Erasmus+ - Creative Drama & Games in ELT. Realizaram voos de escala e foi a primeira vez que a aluna Luzia andou de avião! Durante uma semana, irão realizar atividades divertidas e conviver com os estudantes de outros países!( Roménia, Turquia, Lituânia, Macedónia)

Luzia Nascimento e Alice Rosa

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