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Erasmus+ - Creative Drama & Games in ELT - Mersin Day 5

Day 5 -23.09.22

Today we went to an amazing beach, the water was really warm, it had water slides and a pool near the beach and we had lunch there, then we went to the hotel to get some rest.

For dinner we went to the mall and we got in many stores to see the products.

This was also the day on which our friends from other countries went back to their countries. I can say that we learned a lot from them, we built friendships and we practiced our English.

We were all very sad when we had to say goodbye to our new friends.

Ana Campos


Dia 5 -23.09.22

Hoje, dia das despedidas, tomamos o pequeno almoço e começámos a viagem de autocarro às 10:15 da manhã que nos conduziu a um hotel em Silifke, onde fomos à sua praia privada e às piscinas com escorregas.

Ao almoço, comemos hambúrgueres e pizzas no bar do hotel. De tarde, voltamos às piscinas e saímos do hotel às 16:45. Quando chegámos a Mersin, fomos trocar de roupa aos quartos e encaminhamo-nos para uma loja de equipamentos desportivos. Depois disso, fomos jantar ao Fórum Mersin, onde também fizemos algumas compras.

Tomás Amorim

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