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Erasmus+ - Creative Drama & Games in ELT - Mersin Day 3

Day 3 - 21.09.22

Today students from all the different countries woke up early and went to the Turkish school, where they finished rehearsing the drama play. All of us worked hard so we could have good performances! At lunch time we ate wraps with cheese and potato. It was delicious! Then we went to see a very deep place in a museum in Silifk; it was so deep that sometimes I was a little scared! After that we visited a cave with million years old. It was beautiful! Then all of us went to dinner and ate fresh fish! What another amazing day in Turkey! Luzia Nascimento


Day 3 - 21.09.22

Hoje o dia começou bem cedo. Às 9:00 da manhã, já estávamos todos a tomar o pequeno almoço. Para iniciar bem o dia, alguns alunos dos diferentes países, divididos em grupos, finalizaram a preparação de uma pequena peça de teatro que irão representar no dia seguinte. Na parte da tarde, fomos visitar a cidade de Silifk, as suas grutas, ruínas e várias outras maravilhas. Ainda nessa cidade, num restaurante perto do mar com uma vista excelente, provamos uma comida típica turca deliciosa.

Alice Rosa

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