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  • Foto do escritorJornal Agrupamento de escolas Dr. Flávio Gonçalves


Today we went to the school for the first time, it's really pretty but they don't have a lot of plants here. The teachers are very nice and so are the students. We are working on a logo for the pictures, calendars and wallpapers using the photos taken yesterday so it will be known that they were made by us. After school work we went to the city and took part in natural express. It's a game similar to our "podchody”. We had great fun with the game, we were walking through the streets of Póvoa and had to accomplish some tasks and photos.

Wiktoria Stefaniak


W poniedzaiłek 13 czerwca 2022 wraz z portugalskimi uczniami pracowaliśmy nad logiem projektu. A po południu braliśmy udział w podchodach. Dzięki tej grze poznaliśmy nie tylko miasto, ale i siebie nawzajem. To była świetna zabawa. Wieczór spędziliśmy na plaży gdzie oglądaliśmy zachód słońca oraz graliśmy w siatkówkę i koszykówkę. Ten dzień był męczący, ale równie niezwykły i cudowny. Natalia Borucka klasa 6a


Na passada segunda-feira, 13 de junho de 2022, os alunos portugueses e polacos do projeto “Saving Nature Saving Future”, inserido no grupo POWER, estiveram na biblioteca escolar para criar logotipos representando sustentabilidade para depois apresentá-los e votar para eleger o melhor. Na parte da manhã, também se realizaram apresentações sobre os tipos de poluição e energias renováveis, várias apresentações feitas por alunos de ambos os países. As apresentações não conseguiram ser terminadas no dia, sendo o resto deixado para apresentar no dia seguinte. Na parte da tarde, os grupos deslocaram-se ao CDP, para realizar um Peddy-paper por toda acidade da Póvoa de Varzim. Consistia em várias equipas passarem por pontos assinalados num mapa e responder a perguntas feitas na folha entregue pela professora aos alunos, além de tirar fotos, se necessário. Depois de todas as equipas retornarem ao ponto inicial, as atividades do dia acabaram. Rodrigo Sistelos


On Monday morning we were on the school library and we did some work and draw pictures about the programme POWER - project "Saving Nature Saving Future". In the afternoon, we went on a peddy-paper all around Póvoa de Varzim. We did a tour passing by many landmarks of the city. It started and ended at CDP, present in the national basketball league. Tomás Amorim 7°A e Simão Cerejeira 7°C

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