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  • Professora Anabela Torre e Carolina Bastos 9º A


De 19 a 23 de abril, a Escola Dr. Flávio Gonçalves encontra-se em mobilidade virtual no Programa Erasmus+ “Educated and Active Citizenship”. A escola organizadora, I.I.S. “A.Volta” italiana, preparou um programa semanal educativo e cultural.

Todos os países participantes, Portugal, Itália, Roménia, Grécia, Espanha e Turquia, irão apresentar as suas escolas e cidades, dialogar sobre a situação pandémica no seu país, partilhar livros biográficos sobre personalidades dos seus países e desenvolver atividades de ice breaking: “Same and Different” (Todos diferentes todos iguais); “Hopes and Fears” (Esperanças e medos).

A partir de dois museus locais, irão conhecer a joalharia tradicional de Abruzzese, participando num workshop de manufatura de joalharia, assim como a estátua do guerreiro de Capestrano, realizando um quiz sobre esta personalidade histórica.

“Making Friends among Writers” (Fazer Amigos entre Escritores) é o tema proposto para um workshop, integrando alunos de países diferentes, em salas virtuais.

Através de vídeos, os participantes poderão experienciar a beleza e o espírito de algumas das localidades italianas, que teriam visitado numa mobilidade presencial “Learning, Teaching and Training Activity”.

Enjoy and follow the week!

Anabela Torre (Coordenadora dos Projetos Erasmus+)

First Day



This Monday, 19th April, our school participated in the first day of the Erasmus+ Teaching and Learning Activity in Virtual Mobility.

After a small introduction, the organizing country of the event, Italy, introduced themselves, followed by Turkey, Romania, Greece, Spain and finally Portugal. Each country showed a little bit of their school and explained the way they are dealing with Covid-19.

After that, Italy and Portugal presented their research about national famous writers. The Portuguese authors were Fernando Pessoa, José Saramago and Sophia de Mello Breyner. The Italian one was Gabriele D’Annunzio. Then everyone answered a kahoot questionnaire about it.

In the end, the students were divided in smaller groups to do some ice breaking activities to get to know each other. They talked about themselves and found out the similarities and differences between all the people from different countries.

It was a very interesting and enriching activity.

Carolina Bastos 9ºA

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