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  • Alunos do 8º E


Atualizado: 28 de nov. de 2021

Hoje, dia 14 de maio, no âmbito da atividade Erasmus+, os nossos colegas de diversos países (Itália, Turquia, Grécia, Espanha) apresentaram os seus trabalhos realizados na aplicação Comica.

Começámos por ouvir os italianos e turcos que apresentaram a sua cidade, Ortona em Itália, as bandas desenhadas turcas e as suas tortillas, desafio dos espanhóis.

A seguir, foi a nossa vez de, juntamente com os colegas gregos, de apresentar as nossas tortilhas, que ficaram deliciosas.

A sessão de hoje foi mais curta que a anterior, porém, pudemos ver os diferentes dotes culinários e artísticos dos participantes.

Pedro Dinis e Vasco Castro 8ºE


Report in English - 5th Day

Today, 14th May, we, once again, gathered in the school library to meet our colleagues of the project Erasmus from Spain, Italy, Turkey, Greece and Romania.

We started by hearing other countries talking and explaining the recipe of a famous Spanish dish called Tortilla. Our country, as well as the others, presented this recipe and shared the results through the app Comic.

We started the preparation of this dish by peeling four potatoes and cutting them into small pieces. Then we grabbed an onion and did the same. After that we mixed everything together and put into a pan, we let the potatoes fry in slow heat. We waited for the potatoes to cook and we took them off the heat. Next we in a bowl we four stirred eggs, 50 ml of milk and also a pinch of salt and poured this over the potatoes and onions. Then we let it rest for about ten minutes. Finally we put all the ingredients back into the pan and let them cook for a while. After a few minutes we flipped the tortilla and waited a couple more minutes and then we the final product.

This was the last day of this exciting activity, we hope to repeat it again next year.

Teresa Magalhães e Marta Cunha 8ºE

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