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  • Alunos 5º H


Atualizado: 28 de nov. de 2021

No dia 10 de maio de 2021, recebemos virtualmente, na Biblioteca da Escola Dr. Flávio Gonçalves, cinco países representados por cinco escolas: Marchena em Espanha, Craiova na Roménia, Volos na Grécia, Izmir na Turquia e Francavilla Al Mare em Itália.

O nosso colega Afonso Pires apresentou a nossa turma em língua inglesa. Também se apresentaram os alunos e as turmas das várias escolas parceiras. O diretor da escola espanhola de Marchena (Sevilha) apresentou-nos a escola, mostrando os espaços assim como a arte da escola. O fundador dessa escola foi Lopes de Arenas.

No final, os alunos da escola anfitriã apresentaram um vídeo sobre Espanha e sobre algumas bandas desenhadas do país. Depois, visualizamos powerpoints demonstrando como se trabalha com a aplicação “Comica”.

Esta atividade foi uma nova experiência de aprendizagem com a utilização de diferentes recursos educativos digitais, que nos podem auxiliar na escrita e ilustração.

Inês Monteiro e Laura Fonseca do 5ºH


Report in English about Erasmus +, “Educated and Active Citizenship”

On 10th May we participated in the sixth teaching/learning activity "6th LTT C3 - BD READING (BD) - PERSONAGEM" of the “Erasmus +” project “Educated and Active Citizenship”. Several schools from different countries participated in this project: Spain, Italy, Turkey, Greece, Romania and Portugal.

We had the opportunity to get to know various aspects of a Spanish school near Seville through a tour of the school, showing its structure and rooms. Then each class from the different schools made their presentation and our presentation was made by Afonso.

After the presentations, they showed us how to make an experimental comic strip in the application “Comica”. We also watched a video about Spain. The presentation was directed by the School of Marchena in Spain.

Finally, already “offline”, the students put into practice the demonstration made: from small poems, written by themselves, they made an illustration in a comic strip.

Afonso Pires e Dario Filho 5º H

On 10th May 2021, the 5th H class of the Dr. Flávio Gonçalves school, participated in the “Erasmus +” activity, “Educated and Active Citizenship”, which was carried out through a call on the Microsoft Teams.

At the beginning, the Spanish team informed the participants of how many students were in the activity as well as the countries participating : Italy, Turkey, Greece, Portugal, Spain and Romania.

Then, they presented the Marchena School in Spain.

Finally, they showed the application “COMICA”, where students would have to illustrate a comic strip from a poem.

Bruno Domingues e Lea Nogueira 5º H

(Professoras Avelina Moura, Ernestina Silva, Isabel Morim)

BD realizada pelas alunas Beatriz Marques, Laryssa Moprais e Leonor Martins 5º H

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