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  • Ana Sofia Alves

ERASMUS+ Eco4CreACTIVE - Akhisar/ Manisa - DAY 1

Atualizado: 26 de mai. de 2022

Day 1 – 22nd May 2022

Today, around 8.30 am we went had breakfast. Right after it, we left by bus to visit a solar power plant with the Turks, Romanians and Bulgarians participants. We then went to see a vet hospital where the pets (especially dogs) were given the treatments they needed by the state and, but then they are released in the streets again, under the condition that the Turks will feed them. We then went to see an olive oil plant. When it was over, it was lunch time and we all had a Turkish typical dish called "Dönner Kebab". We also tasted salty yogurts and regional ice creams. We went to the hotel again, played a bit all together, had dinner in another restaurant and had more fun together. In the hotel we started dancing in the garden with Turks and even learned some typical dances.


Dia 1 – 22 de Maio 2022

Hoje pelas 8:30 da manhã, no hall do hotel FAYTON (Manisa- Akhisar) descemos para tomar o pequeno almoço. Logo a seguir saímos de autocarro com Turcos, Romenos e Bulgaros e fomos visitar uma central de painéis solares fotovoltaicos. De seguida, fomos visitar um hospital veterinário ao ar livre e descobrimos que as autarquias asseguram vacinação e cuidados médicos e as pessoas asseguram-lhes alimento, mas são cães livres nas ruas de Akhisar. Fomos também ver uma fábrica de azeite. Em seguida, fomos almoçar dönner kebab num restaurante típico Turco e até provamos os típicos iogurtes salgados. Também experimentamos gelados regionais. Às 19:30 fomos a um restaurante, onde jantamos e nos divertimos. No fim do dia, no hotel, estivemos a dançar no jardim e a aprender danças Turcas.

Ana Sofia Alves

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